Integrity for public board directors: what you need to know

Register for a free webinar designed to support public board directors to conduct their work with integrity.

The Victorian Public Sector Commission regularly runs ‘Integrity for public board directors: what you need to know’.

This 1-hour webinar is designed to enhance the ability of directors of Victorian public boards to conduct their work with integrity.

This session will cover the key expectations of public board directors in Victoria including:

Victorian public board members should attend this event at least once during the term of their appointment.


‘Integrity for public board directors: what you need to know’ runs 3 times per financial year. 

The next two webinars will take place on:

  • Wednesday 24 July 2024, 10:30 to 11:30am 
  • Tuesday 22 October 2024, 10:30 to 11:30am

Registrations for the July event will open soon.

Registration is free. 

Event format

Webinars are held online via Zoom. Participants will be sent the event information upon registering. 

If you require adjustments to attend this event, please contact Alex Talbot on 03 99228650 or at for a confidential discussion.
